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常规价格 $103.00
Pellgun oil is a non-detergent oil that is petroleum based with added o-ring and seal conditioners in its formula. Pellgun oil is for use with CO2 and pneumatic pump guns to help prevent rust and drying of seals. This solution is performance and quality tested to ensure the best results for your air gun.
Pellgunoil acts as a lubricant and allows for proper movement in CO2 and pneumatic air guns. Without this lubricant, the air gun will become dry which leads to damage over time. The lubricant helps with proper movement, but it also serves another essential function necessary for performance. As the oil moves through these parts propelled by the compressed air, the oil also loosens and removes dirt, debris, and other particles from inside the air gun. A clean gun is less likely to suffer damages and issues, especially related to seal damages.